In an over simplified summary, the nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain. It is divided into two parts:
the central nervous system (CNS: brain and spinal cord) – most functions of the body and mind
- the peripheral nervous system which connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body.
This amazing system has two very important ways to help us make sense of our world:
- FIGHT OR FLIGHT – Sympathetic nervous system
- REST & DIGEST – Para sympathetic nervous system
Our sense of smell has a direct and immediate impact on our nervous system. When we inhale an odor, special sensory nerves “read” these molecules and report this information directly to the brain. This is the basic premise behind AROMATHERAPY.
h e a r t s c e n t
*For educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.